Psychocognitive Quality for the University Professor and Student in Light of Academic Performance

Psychocognitive Quality for the University Professor and Student in Light of Academic Performance

Farida Boulasnane Fouad Al-Talafha
Department of Psychology Department of Psychology
Al-Ahliyya Amman University Mutah University, Jordan
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Received : 18/12/2022 Accepted : 03/12/2023


This study aims to find out. It looks at two important things: the academic faculty members. Strategic Plan for two Arab universities: University of M'sila in Algeria and Mutah University in Jordan is review. The findings show that both universities focus on improving their students' academics by making their brains work better. They also work on improving the skills of their academic faculty members by selecting them based on their scientific knowledge and real-world experience. The University of M'sila in Algeria set up The center of pedagogical vigilance to focus on the mental and emotional well-being of the students and Faculty members. This is to help them perform better academically.

Keywords: Cognitive Quality, Psychological Quality, Professor, Student, Academic Performance


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