Submission and Descriptions:
· Four copies of the typed manuscript should be submitted to the Deanship of Scientific Research. An electronic copy can be sent to the email: (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
· The manuscript should be written in good language, English /Arabic.
· The authors should state explicitly that the paper has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere.
· Papers submitted will be refereed and, if necessary, the author may be asked to revise his manuscript.
· The author is asked, after the acceptance of his paper, to send the manuscript on a compact disk, or via e-mail typed in Microsoft Word format.
Preparation of Manuscript:
In preparing the manuscript the following instructions should be followed:
1. The original manuscript should be typed on two sides of A4, double-spaced with (2.2 cm from the top and 1.5 cm from each side). All pages should be numbered
2. Authors are requested to adhere to the following order:
Print the content of the research (introduction, research problem, research materials and methods, results and discussion, appendices, references) on both sides of the paper (size A4), so that the type and size of the line as follows:
- Font type: Simplified Arabic.
- Font size: 12 for titles, and 11 for the rest of the text.
3. The title size 20, should be concise and brief.
4. The total length of the paper should not exceed (15) printed pages of the Journal or (8000) words.
5. The paper must include, author(s) name(s): first name, middle initial and last name, together with their current address of correspondence.
6. The papers should include two abstracts size 9 and of up to (200) words each. One in English and the other in Arabic.
7. At least 3 keywords should be mentioned in Arabic and English, in size 9.
8. Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively and must have descriptive headings in size 9. The figures and tables should be identified in the text by their numbers in size 8.
9. Footnotes are used to explain the information mentioned in the text. Superscripts may be used as (*) in size 9.
10. References:
References should be in the order in which they are first mentioned and referred to by numerals in brackets, e.g. (12). References at the end of the manuscript should be complete and arranged in the following style:
A. Papers: Author(s) last name followed by initials, "paper title," Periodical title, Volume, Number, Page numbers, Year.
B. Books: Author(s) last name followed by initials, book title, Publisher, and Year.
C. Theses: Author's last name followed by initials, "Thesis" (MSc or Ph.D. Thesis), University, Year.
D. Brochures & Statistical Prints: Source, Title, Country, Pages, Year.
E. Proceedings: Author(s) last name followed by initials, "research," in Proceedings of Conference title, volume, page number, Year.
11. Electronic Journals and Internet Sources:
A. Electronic Journals Articles: Author(s) last name followed by initials, [followed by surnames and initial(s) of other authors]. Title of the article. Abbreviated journal title [medium]. Year of publication; volume (issue): inclusive page numbers [if available]. Available from (insert URL). Date of access.
B. Web Sites: Author(s) last name followed by initials; the title of webpage [internet]. Place of publication: publisher; date of publication [date of update/revision; date of access]. Available from: (insert URL).
(1) Copy of the issue will be sent to the main author, in addition to (3) reprints of the manuscript, free of charge (gift from Zarqa University).
Publication Fees:
a. A free publication for a limited period decided by the Editorial Board.
b. Should the researcher wish to withdraw the manuscript after it is refereed, he/she should pay the fees of the referees and often costs ensuing thereafter.
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