The Role of Distance Learning in Educational Achievement of Zarqa University Students during the Corona Virus Pandemic

The Role of Distance Learning in Educational Achievement of Zarqa University Students during the Corona Virus Pandemic

Ahmad Ali Al-Ananbah    Othman Mansour Al-Tah
    Faculty of Media       Faculty of Media     
 Zarqa University       Zarqa University
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                               Received:26/09/2022                                      Accepted:15/12/2022                                  


This study aims to investigate the role of distance learning in educational achievement of Zarqa University students during the Coronavirus pandemic. The population of the study consists of male and female students at Zarqa University in Jordan. The sample includes (120) students representing the population. The study adopts the analytical descriptive approach, and data was collected through a questionnaire. Findings of the study include the following: the total score of the questionnaire, from the perspectives of sample members, which is rated high; the lack of statistically significant differences at the significant level of (0.05) among the opinions of sample members on the axes of the questionnaire as a whole, for the variables of gender and educational level. Recommendations of the study include the following: seeking to exchange international experiences through distance learning media; the necessity of increasing students' desire and motivation for distance learning; and working in spreading technical culture to help establish an electronic community capable of keeping in pace with the developments of the present time.

Keywords: Distance Learning - Educational Achievement- Coronavirus Pandemic.
