The Development of International BasicLaws to ProtibitRecuirment of Children inArmed Conflict

The Development of International BasicLaws to ProtibitRecuirment of Children inArmed Conflict

Nagham Jamal YousefYousef

Law/ University of Jordan

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  Received:22/6/2020                                    Accepted:14/7/2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


This study addresses the issue of recruitmentof children in armed conflicts where international conventions have banned the recruitment and use of children in hostilities, whether those erlated to legal institution of the international humanitarian law, or those relatingto international law of human rights.

Therefore, this study aims to highlight the most important agreements contained in international humanitarian law by focusing on the Fourth Convention of Geneva 1949 and the two supplement Protocols I and II of 1977, as well as International Human Rights Law through focusing on the Convention of Child Rights in 1989, and the Optional Protocol to the Convention of Child.

Keywords: Prohibit, Recruitment, Children. Armed Conflict, International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law.


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