The Relationship between the Application of Quality Assurance System and Academic Accreditation and Improving the Level of Student Satisfaction with the Educational Service at Ibb University.

The Relationship between the Application of Quality Assurance System and Academic Accreditation and Improving the Level of Student Satisfaction with the Educational Service at Ibb University

Abdullah A. Al-Awlaki

Faculty of Administrative Sciences

Abb University – Yemen

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Received 15/10/2018                                                                           Accepted 13/11/2018

The main purpose of this study is to determine the level of application of quality assurance system and academic accreditation, using the indicators of the pillars of the educational process that the British Higher Education Committee has mentioned to ensure the quality of education in universities. A survey is used in order to collect the data of a sample of 375 students who were selected from Ibb University. Statistical analysis was performed through using descriptive statistics, regression analysis, and multiple correlations. The results showed that there is a significant weakness in the dimensions of the quality assurance and academic accreditation (the quality of faculty members, the quality of the administrative system, the quality of educational programs, the quality of educational facilities, and the quality of student care system) which currently prevail in Ibb University and its suitability to the students' wishes and expectations. Additionally, there is weakness in the level of student satisfaction with the educational service. The results also show a significant relationship between the application of the quality assurance system and the academic accreditation, and the enhancement of students' satisfaction with the educational service in Ibb University. Finally, this study presents an operational plan of action to support and enhance the capacity of Ibb University to improve students' satisfaction with the educational service, through the effective implementation of the quality assurance system and academic accreditation.
Keywords: Quality assurance, academic accreditation, students' satisfaction, Ibb University.


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