Reasons for the Weak Implementation of Total Quality Standards in Technical Education Institutions: A Field Study

Reasons for the Weak Implementation of Total Quality Standards in Technical Education Institutions: A Field Study

Ayhaab Bin Eisa Maewas  Khadeejeh Salim Buzaribah 
 Civil Engineering Department  Oralpathology Department
 Higher Institute of Science and Technology AlMareg  Benghazi University

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Received :05/03/2024 Accepted: 06/10/2024


Within the efforts aimed at understanding the higher education system and identifying the best available means for developing the education sector both presently and in the future, the quality management system, with its educational and organizational pillars, stands as one of the most significant foundations for improving the educational process. Through this system, deficiencies and opportunities for improvement can be identified by comparing performance against the requirements outlined in specified standards. Referring to the results of previous studies about educational quality in higher education institutions that were discussed in this study, there are indications of the lack of interest of higher education institutions in the government sector in planning to work with the requirements of comprehensive quality and establishing a quality management system in order to benefit from the results of these applications and develop and improve educational performance effectively in an effort to improve the quality of institutional performance and the quality of educational services provided to the community. This study aims to explore the factors of the inadequate implementation of comprehensive quality standards in technical education institutions in the Ministry of Technical and Vocational Education in Benghazi. It focuses on four key determinants: first, the institution's culture and understanding of the standards, including their implementation procedures and requirements; second, the institution's financial and technical capacity to meet these requirements; third, the level of governmental support, particularly from the ministry, in facilitating the adoption of comprehensive quality standards and promoting awareness of institutional quality concepts; and finally, the influence of obstacles on fulfilling the requirements for comprehensive quality implementation. Descriptive analytical was the approach used, through the design of a research questionnaire that included a number of phrases to reach the most important reasons that hinder the implementation of this specification. Based on the analysis and discussion, the study developed several recommendations to activate the role of the National Center for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Educational Institutions with the government sector, in addition to the necessary recommendations to eliminate the root causes behind the weak application of comprehensive quality for institutions under the scope of the study.

Keywords: Lack of Application -Total Quality Occupational Education.


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