Requirements for Applying of Total Quality Management in the College of Basic Education in the State of Kuwait

Requirements for Applying of Total Quality Management in the College of Basic Education in the State of Kuwait.

Sharefah Mutairan Ali Alenezi
Facutly oh Basic Education
The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training State of Kuwait.
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 Received : 13/12/2022  Accepted : 25/04/2023


The study aims to determine the reality of the requirements for total quality management implementationin the College of Basic Education in Kuwait. The study population included all faculty members at the College of Basic Education in Kuwait. The study sample involved (97) participants. The study employed the descriptive approach as a study method and used a questionnaire as a study tool. The study concluded that the general average of the reality of the requirements for the total quality management implementationat the College of Basic Education in Kuwait came with a (high) response and the general average for (senior management support, customer focus, employee participation, training, teamwork building, and continuous improvement) came with a (high) response. There were no statistically significant differences in the reality of the requirements for the total quality management implementationat the College of Basic Education in Kuwait due to the study variables, including gender, academic rank, and years of experience.

Keywords: Requirements, Implementation, Total Quality Management, College of Basic Education.

