Education Development in Higher Education Institutions: Transition to Qualitative Teaching

Education Development in Higher Education Institutions: Transition to Qualitative Teaching

Abdelhalim Mohammad Jubran
Faculty of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Zarqa university
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Received : 17/04/2022                      Accepted :09/06/2022

In light of the ongoing transformations at the health level, the economic level, and the continuous technological transformations, the priority of moving education in higher education institutions towards creativity and quality versus quantity has become a national demand. This is reflected in the transition from traditional education to qualitative learning. Therefore, the study focuses, through a set of objectives, on analyzing the mechanism of transformation from traditional education to creative education by learning, qualitative learning that ensures the continuity and progress of the state. The researcher used the descriptive approach and comparative analysis of local and international literature to reach a set of results with a theoretical and an applied dimension

The study is characterized by a set of modern proposals that enhance the forms of teaching in higher education institutions through lectures and through independent work of students. The addition to what the researcher suggested is the use of the concentration factor, which measures the level of information abundance of the student, and the student's academic load index. Through this study, the researcher hopes that the real integration between the pre-university stage and the university stage is achieved at the present time.

Keywords: University Education, Creative Teaching, Learning, Concentration Criterion, Lecture.
