Educational Requirements Proposed for Transforming Jordanian Public Universities into Smart Universities in Light of the Information Revolution

Educational Requirements Proposed for Transforming Jordanian Public Universities into Smart Universities in Light of the Information Revolution

Esraa Abdallah Saleh Mohammad      Mohammad saleem alzboon
education basics                                Faculty of Education
University of Jordan                             University of Jordan
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Received : 10/06/2021                                        Accepted :03/02/2022

The study aims to reveal the educational requirements proposed for the transformation of Jordanian public universities into smart universities in light of the information revolution. To achieve the objective of the study, a descriptive survey was used. a random sample of 309 teaching staff-members of Jordanian public universities were selected, divided into three public universities, namely," Yarmouk University, the University of Jordan, and Al Hussein bin Talal University for the academic year 2019/2020, and the questionnaire was used as a study tool consisting of 51 paragraphs spread over five areas. The results of the study indicate that the general average of the measurement of the requirements of the transformation of public Jordanian universities into smart universities from the point of view of the faculty members in Jordanian universities as a whole came average, where the field (smart management) ranked first, and the results of the study show the presence of statistically significant differences for the areas, more than 10 years. In light of the results, the study recommends the importance of employing digital educational technologies in university education, through designing and developing curricula in a digital way, and following up the experiences of developed countries in the field of smart educational technologies.

Keywords: Jordanian Universities, Smart Universities, Information and Communication Revolution.
