Level of Administrative Transparency Practice among Secondary School Principals in the State of Kuwait and its Relationship to Availability Degree of Organizational Health Dimensions

Level of Administrative Transparency Practice among Secondary School Principals in the State of Kuwait and its Relationship to Availability Degree of Organizational Health Dimensions

Khalid Ahmad Al-Sarairah

Deanship of Scientific Research/ Mutah University

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Abdullah Muhsin Alamo

Ministry of Education/ Mutah University

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The aim of the study is to reveal the relationship between the level of practicing administrative transparency among secondary school principals and the degree of availability of organizational health dimensions. The relational descriptive approach is used, where a questionnaire consisting of two parts was developed: the first deals with the level of administrative transparency, and the second deals with the dimensions of organizational health. It was distributed to a sample chosen randomly, and it consists of (410) male and female teachers, and the results indicate that the degree of evaluation of individuals of the study sample of the level of practicing administrative transparency among secondary school principals in the State of Kuwait comes at a medium level, where the field of transparency in administrative communication comes in the first place with a high level of practice, followed by the field of transparency in the information system in the second place with a high level of practice, and the field of transparency in participation is ranked third with a medium level of practice. The field of transparency in dealing with the students comes in fourth place with a medium level of practice, while the field of transparency in work procedures comes in last place with a medium level of practice. The influence of the school principal ranks first with the highest arithmetic average and a high degree, followed by the educational emphasis dimension and a medium degree, followed in third place by the dimension of social relations and a medium degree, while the dimension of support with resources comes in fourth place and with a medium degree, and the dimension of institutional integration comes in the fifth place with a medium degree, and the dimension of the initiative to work comes in the last and medium degree, and the existence of a positive and strong correlation between the areas of administrative transparency and the dimensions of organizational health, and the study recommends activating the practice of transparency in decisions and work procedures in the school by opening the way for teachers to participate, activating the principle of accountability and applying it to everyone without discrimination, and providing support and motivation to principals to support organizational health in their schools.

Keywords: Administrative Transparency, Organizational Health Dimensions, Secondary School Principals.
