E-Portfolio to Assess the 21stCentury Skills of Students in Smart E-Learning Environment
Hala El-Senousy
Curricula & Methodology - Education
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University - KSA
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Received 28/8/2019 Accepted 4/2/2020
In the digital age, the interaction between the ICT and the educational system has led to fundamental transformations and changes to all elements of the learning process. Intelligent devices have enabled the learner to access knowledge resources at any time and anywhere. Learning management systems have produced a smart E-learning environment which enables active learning, Communication, and interaction among users. Quality Assurance in Higher Education has become urgent and aspires to qualify graduates who have mastered diverse and varied skills appropriate with the digital age. The academic programs requisite to rely upon the evaluation of learning outcomes, not only cognitive but also skills, thus the modification of the current assessment system is demanded.
This study identified the 21st century skills and performance of learners in five categories: Critical Thinking Skills, Problem Solving Skills, Digital Communication & Sharing Skills, the Productivity of Creative Innovation Skills, and Self Regulated Learning & Career Skills. While Higher education is required to provide evidence of student learning skills, the study suggests E-Portfolios, which are considered as a tool that allows the student to: organize, save, document, publish, and digitally share his work as an accurate assessment tool. The study discusses the foundations, principles, objectives, and analyzes the application of E-Portfolio as a learning and assessment tool of 21st century skills in higher education.
Keywords: E –Portfolio, 21st century skill, Quality of smart E-Learning.