Implementation of Total Quality Management Approach in Higher Education to Achieve Sustainable Development.

Implementation of Total Quality Management Approach in Higher Education to Achieve Sustainable Development

Dr. Ilyes Salem                                                 Serrai Oum Saad

     Department of Commerce Sciences                              Management Sciences        

      Faculty of Economics, Commerce                         Faculty of Economics, Commerce

and Management Sciences                                  and Management Sciences

     University of M'sila - ALGERIA                   University of Bordj bou arreridj - ALGERIA

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        Received 5/8/2018                                                                                     Accepted 11/9/2018 

This research paper entitled " implementation of TQM approach in higher education to achieve sustainable development " aims to highlight the importance of implementing the TQM approach in the higher education sector and its role in improving the academic level of students, teachers and administrators, as well as proving the appropriate organizational climate for development and achieving sustainable development through qualitative development of university education.
We have concluded that the quality of higher education can be achieved through: practical learning methods, work research,self-assessment, academic and professional accreditation, and self-study.
Keywords: quality, total quality management, higher education, university, sustainable development.
