The Role of Distance Education in Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education in Algeria: Mechanisms and Dimensions.

The Role of Distance Education in Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education in Algeria: Mechanisms and Dimensions

Abdelmalek Beddiaf                                      Dharifa Selaimia

Department of Economic Sciences                       Department of Economic Sciences

University of Guelma ,Algeria                             University of Guelma ,Algeria

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   Amel brahmia                                                  Nacer Bouaaziz

Department of Economic Sciences                         Department of Economic Sciences

University of Guelma ,Algeria                                  University of Guelma ,Algeria

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Received 16/7/2018                                                                        Accepted 19/8/2018

Higher education is considered as one of the most important areas in which quality is of great interest for its close relationship with economic growth and progress of Nations. Therefore, most Countries seek to improve it, and to ensure its quality.
Algeria has adopted the high educational quality system attempting to reform this sector and improve it to keep it up with the international developments in this field, technological ones in particular; where it made distance education one of the most important mechanisms.
Keywords: Quality Assurance, Higher Education, Distance Learning, Algeria.
